.George Grozdanow
Hello My name is George I deal with Reiki,Karuna, massages and Radiestesthesie ….
For us the thing that unites us is the IDEA OF REIKI and the possibility which gives you to achieve balance and harmony in body and soul as well as helping other people. We have been using Reiki since the beginning of this century: the feelings of the experience gained during practicing energy work makes us realize that in this time of evolution of the Universe – Reiki should be considered as a gift which every man, woman or a child could have. In his will Dr. Mikao Usui says: ” Reiki could not belong to one person or organization it belongs the whole human kind.” This is the main reason we advise you how to choose your Reiki master and some tips which will make your choice easier.
****Another theme which you can find in our website is about “Massages” and their variations. This is one of the subdivisions which are recognized and used by the official medicine. What I can share from my experience is that combining manual therapy and energy work gets much better results than using only manual therapy. That is why only a massage course is not enough for achieving a miracle. There is practice and improving of skills needed as well as a lot of patience and an inside feeling. I personally have been working more than 20 years and I have been excited to collect, study and combine different approaches and techniques in my own practice ” National Bulgarian art of healing low-back pain”
Only for the last 10 years I have been guided into the secrecy of this incredible art of healing low back pain using just a few special techniques and movements. Many of our so popular national healers are not with us anymore they hid forever the secrecy of healing with them.I am grateful that I was initiated in some of this “secrets” and now I can help people with them.
****Dedications, opinions and thanks of people is the recognition that the National Bulgarian Memory is alive, faithful and it would be a bad mistake to be overruled.
****I would like to draw your attention to “Physical Radiestesia ”.Esoterical art ,which hides a huge potential and opportunities for astonishing future discoveries.This is an unique opportunity for everybody who does not have skills of mediums or fortune tellers to learn how to use their sub consciousness in the investigation process. Besides that Bulgarian school is one of few schools using Physical appliances. The goal is decreasing mental method for measurement in order to get us closer to real physical methods thus the sub consciousness will be attuned only just by sending the right signals and answers.
****For a third year I have worked as a professional in the Spa suite of Helena Resort Hotel, Sunny Beach- I can only say that the gratitude I can see in the eyes of foreigner and Bulgarian tourists is the biggest recognition of my own work, experience and proficiency
**** In this website you will find lots of information for our colleagues and friends with whom we share our common believes, contacts, meetings and many more.
****Have a wonderful time in our little world. We are always ready to respond to any questions and to talk to new people considering themes of common interest.
Искам да изкажа сърдечната си благодарност на Рейки-Мастер Георги Грозданов за изключителния му професионализъм и разбиране към болката на хората.Страдам от дълги години от болки в кръста и гърба.Ставах с ох лягах ОХ.Не ми се ходеше никъде.От един сеанс болките отзвучаха. Сега сядам и ставам без ОХ,разхождам се с детето което преди това не можех и да мечтая.Благодаря на съдбата ,че ме срещна с точния човек които да излекува болката ми.Желая ти все така много успехи в това не леко начинание,здраве и сили да помагаш на много болни и изтрадали като мен хора.С уважение и благодарност: Дани,
декември, 2010
Благодаря Дани, пожелавам ти, здраве, щастие и любов в цялото семейство. Жоро
Честит нов сайт, и дизайна ми харесва…
Zapoznah se sas Goro 4rez Penka Nehseva .Imah bolki po zialoto tialo i nai ve4e po grabna4nia stalb ,kadeto i da me pipnehse izdavah stenanie .Blagodarenie na Goro sastoianieto mi se podobri za galost sam v 4ugbina i ne moga da prodalga terapiata si , no pri parva vazmognost otnovo ste posetia Georgi.Toi e neveroiaten, ima magi4eski raze , goliam profesionalizam i
humanno sarze.Blagodarnosti kam Goro ot men i moite italianski priateli.
Здравейте, Мастер Грозданов- първо поздравления за прекрасния сайт.
Имам голямо желание и нужда да се срещна с Вас- как може да стане това, къде практикувате.
С уважение:
И. Киров